CoolChaser Blog

Archive for December 2nd, 2007

MySpace has been experimenting with that box that says “XXX is in your network” and is causing the layout to look weird. It’s adding some weird space around and above the graphic like below:

MySpace glitch

We are not sure if this is a permanent thing or MySpace just messing around like before. They might revert back the changes since it’s messing up their own layoutfrom their own editor 😀 so we are waiting a bit more to see before we update our code on our site. But ifyou would like to fix it manually, paste this code in the “Who I’d like to meet” box (UPDATED: 12/3 3:21 PST):

.a {fix extended network border}   
table table td.text table { border-collapse:collapse;  margin-top:-10px; } 

td.text table.blurbs,  
td.text table.latestBlogEntry,
td.text table.friendSpace, 
td.text table.friendsComments,
table table td.text table table,
table.friendSpace td.text table, 
table.friendsComments td.text table { border-collapse:separate; margin-top:0px; }
.extendedNetwork { margin-bottom:-11px; } 

.a { ie fix } 
* html .extendedNetwork { position:relative; margin-bottom:-5px; }
* html table table td.text table td { padding:0;} 
* html table table td.text table td table td { padding:0 !important;}  
* html td.text table.blurbs td,  
* html td.text table.latestBlogEntry td,
* html td.text table.friendSpace td, 
* html td.text table.friendsComments td,
* html table.friendSpace td.text table td, 
* html table.friendsComments td.text table td {
  padding: 0 26px 15px 26px; 

Thanks to Heathaaa! for helping fix this mess 🙂 The details for this code can be read on this thread. Hope this helps!

Looking for MySpace stuff?

If you are looking for MySpace 1.0 layouts, MySpace 2.0 layouts, and MySpace blog layouts, visit!

You can create your own original layout in a snap!
December 2007